Monday, March 18, 2024

March 18 - 21

 I hope everyone had a safe and fun March Break!  I can't believe it is already spring.  Where did winter go?

Just a few updates for what we will be covering in the next little bit.

Language:  We will be working a little further on narrative writing.  The class will be working in small groups to co-create a short story.  More information will be shared with the class this week.  Also, they will be getting a new writing task this week.  This will be the third such task, and it has been great to see their writing and editing improve!

Math: This week, we will be working on data management.  This entails reading and making different types of charts and graphs.  Following this, we will be heading into fractions soon.

Science:  We will be wrapping up our work on structures before the end of March.  Once we hit April, we will be moving onto Plants.

Religion: Lots to go through over the next two weeks as we head into Easter weekend.  We will be looking at the Stations of the Cross and having further discussions around Lent.

Coding: We will be starting some work on coding over the next few weeks.  The class was introduced to the website Kodable before the March Break (there is a link in the workspace) and we will also be using the website for further coding activities.

Dance: We will be having a dance presentation this Friday, as well as learning some more dance moves through the National Ballet School of Canada.  They have been helping us learn some Hip-Hop dance moves!