Monday, January 15, 2024

January 15 - 19

Over the next few weeks, we will be having some Jersey and Jeans days.   So, wear your jeans and jersey on any of the Ottawa Senators home game days.

In Math, we are still going through multiplication and division strategies.  It is important for children in grade 3 to learn their multiplication to x9 and division to 81 divided by 9.  In class, we go through strategies, use arrays and number lines to model what it means.   We will be continuing this to the end of next week.

In Language, we are looking at narrative writing.  We have been listening to different versions of Little Red Riding Hood, and starting last week we have been making our own versions by changing the character, setting and even the problem (and how it is solved!).  This has been done in class, using Book Creator.  We are going to have a lesson looking at quotation marks, so this week as part of the editing process, we will be looking to see where these quotation marks go.