Monday, November 20, 2023

Monday, November 20

 Weather is getting colder!  Make sure your child has a good fitting pair of winter boots (expecting it to snow this week) plus a good hat and mitts/gloves.  These always go missing during the day, so it is a good idea to put their initials or name on an inside tag so that they can be returned more quickly!

Announcements for this week:

  • Parent/Teacher interviews are this Thursday, from 3:30 - 7:00 pm.  If you haven't signed up and would like an interview, please use the link in the email I sent the other day.  If you requested a phone interview, I will try to call at the allotted time, but could be delayed a few minutes depending on how behind I may get.  The call from we will be listed as "No Caller ID".  If you requested an in-person interview, I will open the door as soon as the previous one is complete.  Interviews run 10 minutes, and I will have to try to stick to that timeframe as other families are trying to coordinate multiple interview.  
  • Walking Wednesdays start soon.  If your child was interested, they would have received a permission letter sent home by our principal.  Please make sure that the other online forms are filled out as well (accessed through the parent portal), as one of them also involved off-site activities.
  • Today, a box of chocolate was sent home to each family as part of the School Council fundraising efforts.  There was a page sent home with all the information and explanations that you would need to understand what this is for and how to go about it.  Whatever chocolate is not sold, please return back with the money sales by the deadline (December 18th).
  • this week is Bully Awareness Week, so you may here some discussions around this topic.  Also, we will be having a Bus Safety presentation this week.
In Language this week, we will be working further on persuasive writing.  Last week, we started our first task of writing a small movie review, and trying to use some persuasive language to either convince people to see their movie or perhaps even avoid seeing it!  We will be working on this a little more this week.
In Math, we are working on comparing numbers to 1000.  Specifically, we are rounding numbers to their nearest 10 and 100.  Also, we are comparing the size of numbers using the greater than and less than symbols ( > and < ).